Dental Health Care and getting dental bridges.
Dental Health Care and getting dental bridges. When looking into getting dental insurance for dental bridges try to make note of the following: Whenever possible do not pull out teeth prior to having dental insurance. Once you have teeth pulled it can be hard to find dental insurance that will cover bridge.work. This is because many dental insurance plans have missing teeth clauses. Meaning that if the teeth were missing prior to the plan effective date they wil not cover for a bridge to be put in. Is is very important to know before buying any dental insurance plan. There are dental insurance plans that have waiting periods. Making you wait a year or more before they offer major dental services. If you buy a plan without knowing the terms you may find out it does not work for you when the time comes. If you are not sure, call and ask the company prior to buying the plan.
Another good tip is whenever you do have a dental bridge put in keep your receipt. If any time latter on you ever need to have the bridge replace, you may need to show how old your original bridge work is. Some dental insurance plans will replace bridges, partials and denture but only after you had your old one in for five or more years. (Therefore they will normally ask for proof)
If you do have current missing teeth it does not mean you can not find dental insurance to help you fix your smile. Just read the terms and conditions carefully. Make sure the dental insurance plan you are buying is going to cover for the dental services you want.
I also suggest not to rule out dental discount plans. With dental discount plan preexisting is not excluded, including missing teeth. For a low monthly cost of having a dental discount plan, you get the discounted saving off dental bridge work without any waiting periods or exclusions. Whether you need to have a bridge, partials and or dentures we are here to help you find the best dental plan that will work for you. So please call our member service line at 310-534-3444 if you have any questions about any of our dental insurance dental plan options.